Golf in Nepal, I Don't Get It... by Kelly Klein

Golf course with Annapurna Massif in background
The apartment (flat) I am renting is adjacent to the local golf course. I sit on my porch, watching the view of the Annapurna Massif as it fades in and out of the mist and clouds. Below me, golfers take position and whack the ball.
Forgive me; I know absolutely nothing about golf other than the goal seems to be to get the ball in the little hole under the flag. Well, here, there are no flags or holes. The golfers are not moving around the field 
either. Yes, it is a large field, nothing more, populated with grazing water buffalo and their faithful egret friends who are constantly picking off the bugs, a few chickens, and playing dogs. The flying balls do not seem to effect them in any way. 

So, I am still trying to grasp this. The golfers hit balls out into the field… what the goal is I have not been able to discern. I watch each ball as it disappears into space, trying to figure out if they are close to their target so I can determine what the objective is, but the ball consistently disappears from sight. I need glasses.


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