Afternoon Light, Present in Ladakh - by Kelly Klein
Cows everywhere, walk freely, their waste a prime source of fuel for the frigid winters, collected
On May 29th we were weeding the young garden, grateful for the last snow flurry in this land of little rain.
in this light, the colors, the life around me is magical. Abba (father) to my
left, my 94-year-old friend, still with his prayer wheel and mani beads, laughs
at my attempts to speak Ladakhi. We communicate well, quietly without words,
only gestures and smiles. He lets me know if he would like tea or needs help. I greet him with gratitude and hugs as he
welcomes me time and again to sit by him, to be with him and share this present
moment of beauty. Neither of us are expected to do anything, he as an elder, me
as a guest, allowing us the freedom to just be, over and over, day after day at
this time, as we sit in the waning light and heat, crystal light shining on the
snow covered peaks hidden behind the jagged brown spires of mountains, abruptly
rising over the greening fields of barley, wheat, onions, cilantro, potatoes,
and peas. The people, the animals, the earth and sky bless me each day in this
light, in this beauty, in this place.
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