Lessons from a Dog

There are so many teachers around me, all the time. I do not have to search them out, but only need to observe. Zawa, “my dog”, or more accurately now, Sonam’s dog, or the village dog, is a great teacher.

These are some of the lessons she offers me. 

- follow those who nurture you, who feed your soul and love you. Avoid those who do not respect you or treat you kindly

- rest often (ok, maybe not as often as Zawa!)

- bask in both the sun and shade

- when you are full, bury the extra for later when you might get hungry. Take only what you need

- explore, wander, get to know others outside the wall because they are also generous and kind and feed the soul

- sit in high places, always choose the high place, and just look around ….for hours and hours

- show love to new friends and old with hugs and kisses

- run, jump, dance, and play whenever you can

- don’t take life too seriously and certainly don’t worry about the future or the past

- play in the leaves

- learn a few lessons, like sit or down, but don’t obey anyone

- chase the cows or donkeys sometimes

- learn some things in different languages

- be free to go where you want, when you want

- protect those you love

- there is nothing that you have to do today

- trust your instincts

- alert others when you sense danger, we all need to be startled by the present reality at times

- say you’re sorry

- accept what is freely given

- play with children, they open us to our true nature and allow us to be…

- hang your head out the car window and feel the wind

- explore the senses: smell, taste, hearing, touch, seeing ... these are the things that are happening right now around us. This is real.

- trust people time and time again and expect the best from them

- get your feet wet

- don’t be afraid

- a little dirt really means nothing, so roll in it sometimes!

- take a different trail and explore new things

- let someone scratch your stomach and brush you often…

- role with the flow, expect little, nothing is permanent

- appreciate all you have, all you are given

- know how to ask for help when you need it

- spend time both alone and with others

- you don’t need much in life, a comfy mattress, people who love you, food and water, and lots of time outside

- be present, it is all we really have, all that matters

- face each day with joy

- greet the morning and watch the sun leave

- enjoy all the freedom and choices we have

- give joy to others


  1. You also where my teacher. Everywhere, everything is teachingme. Thanks for share.

    1. You are so right!! Everyone and everything can be a teahcer if we are the willing students. Thank you for your words and support!!

  2. Paradiciacos lugares y muy alusivas reflexiones. La naturaleza es bella y tus ojos la saben ver y tu entendimiento descubrirla para describirla. Saludos y calido abrazo para ti, buena amiga de mi Oliver.k

    1. Estoy encantado de compartir mis reflexiones contigo querido Oscar. Gracias por tomarse el tiempo y la energía para mirar este lugar y compartir sus conocimientos y apoyo. Significa mucho para mi amigo. Los abrazos desde el Himalaya. Debes venir algún día ...

  3. My first encounter with your blog, Kelly, my sangha buddy. You have a gift. Thanks for sharing. I plan to share this with friends on the path.


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